Floating Inheritance

"Why do you have such a thing if you don't mind me asking?" Yuan asked.

The three stood in front of a giant boulder with mysterious writings on it glowing green in reaction to the pendant that Meng Que held.

"Of course not, it's my grandfather's inheritance. Our clan talks about the scripts of the old and the sagas of the romance of the Jade Emperor... oh wait... I forgot the magic word that opens it. Shit, you need a key and the magic word... oh god, I'm so stupid." The pink-haired chick fell to her knees and started banging her head against the ground.

"Oh wait, I remember." She jumped back onto her two feet. "Opening season!" she yelled, holding up the triangular jade pendant. And nothing happened.

>Don't tell me it's "open sesame." What a coincidence. < Ling Yue pondered as Zeon complained.

|| It's... "open sesame," dumbass. Gosh, I hate being the commentator whose words don't reach farther than a singular person. ||