Big Reveal

I, Ping Fie, was a worthless person in my past life. Nothing but a rich second generation who played video games all day and visited prostitutes all night. A fat and ugly-looking piece of crap despised by his own parents and relatives. No doubt, after they died, my wealth was stripped from me by conspirators. I died drunk in a sewer trying to chase my wife, who was having an affair with my best friend.

'No, why didn't I treat you well? Why would you do this?'

'Treat me well? You disrespected me every day, you worthless fat guy. Who would even want to be with you? Let's go, honey. He is nothing.'

'Hahaha, see ya around, begging Ping Fie, unless you die.'

'That her, it was I who picked her off the streets...'

And so, I met my end that day.