hohoba mind tricks

The moon hung low in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the arrayed open spot where Chen Tianlong, Ling Yue, and Luan found themselves after their respective ordeals. The air was heavy with exhaustion as they could hardly summon the energy to stand upright.

"Huff... ha... hoo," gasped Chen as he approached the others, his torn robes clinging to his form. Ling Yue, not far behind, wore a stoic expression that betrayed the weariness in her eyes.

"I don't suppose it went any better for you two either, did it?" Luan mused, fatigue evident in his voice as he collapsed to the ground, catching his breath.

Chen, in the process of shedding his torn robes, responded with a nonchalant, "It was... nothing." He gestured towards a nearby pond, his destination for a much-needed respite. Without waiting for a response, he staggered away, leaving the others to catch up.