The Lame Lich

"{Awww, it's so nice of you to call back like this. I really appreciate it. I thought you were mad at me, and I upset you somehow by being very honest and truthful--}"


"Get me another globe."

"My liege, this is the last one we have. I suggest you not break this one as well."


"I have sinned, my liege. I beg for forgiveness. It shan't happen again," apologized the skull servant, bowing down, kowtowing, and ramming his head against the floor until it cracked, and chips of calcium flew places.

"Why was this so easy?" Luan whispered through one of the bushes he hid in.

" not know?" replied Tianlong from a branch in the tree, watching the skull servant break his skull.

"Aww, look at you being all humble..." Ling Yue credited Tianlong subtly and snuggled close to him.

||We are killing him later, yes?||