
"Relax, breathe in... breathe out... zennnn.... zennn..... zennn....."

"Alright, I call it. You are distracted. You lasted one and a half missipies more this time," said Cao Tang, leaning on the wall, keeping count of how long the seer held his meditation.

"Why should I trust your counts..."

"You shouldn't. You shouldn't be keeping count at all. Beats the purpose. I feel it's that hard for you? I can do that for hours and days at a time. Especially us immortals. It's not about just the physical body, but the mind also needs to be cultivated. So, it's quite often that people go on for days doing nothing, just sitting on their asses, thinking nothing."

"Ermm... yeah, that's hard to believe, seeing how all of them have such rotten personalities. Anyway, appreciate the advice."

"I wonder that too. Anyway, I'm off. See ya around. I need to cultivate a new scripture."