Mind Boggling Black Mamba

>This is how the world works... ever since I was young, my mom would often get abused by my father, the strong constantly bullying the weak. I was quick to learn. My aunt also suffered due to some scheming done by the males, them and their constant hunger for power, willing to sacrifice what isn't theirs. But I suppose it takes that much, at least to consolidate and maintain that kind of hold over the world, to since one person can't possibly—why not a large but undeniable distinction, a group to suppress others...<

**Knock, knock.**

The door opened, and beyond it stood the attendant's mistress, whom she was to escort.

>Even her, I pity. All that beauty and power yet completely helpless... being married off to some guy she doesn't know to help her father and uncle build connections...<

"Oh my, you look horrible," Ling Yue gasped, glancing at the attendant who stood in front of her, all beaten and bruised.