Dragon Obtained


"Whoa there, careful now. I won't accept it if you damage it."

"Of course not. Here."

Ling Yue flew back to the chair as soon as she placed the egg on the seer's table, as he ordered.

A single hand stretched out and reached for the egg, swiping it with great speed.

"Hmm... looks authentic..."


|| He certainly seems very happy to have it. ||

"While it certainly looks authentic, however... I can't help but wonder about the possibility of it being fake," the seer trailed off in a skeptical tone, subduing his emotions.

"Well, try and hatch it to see," Ling Yue replied quickly, a devilish smirk on her face.

|| Pffff* Hahahaha, nice one, Ling Yue. ||

There was no way the seer could try to hatch it, and he dared not let anyone else touch it for fear of losing it. Beginning his cultivation journey was also a no-go, effectively putting him in a very embarrassing situation.