Not Filler

>My name is Gen Wen, and I am the young master of the Jaegals. I have always had this strange ability ever since I was a kid. I could see farther than anyone else, hear more than anyone else, and most importantly, smell better than anyone else. They say I have this divine gift, this all-encompassing heavenly omni-body that helps me perceive more than the others... And with my extraordinary senses, I sense 30 miles from here a jade-like beauty walking towards the Jaegal household, along with an annoyance that I will soon get rid of. For that jade-like beauty can only be mine.<

"ehm, young master?"

"Shush! Do not rush me when I'm having internal dialogues, inferior creature!" the young master yelled, not loudly but enough to make the well-abused maidservant fall to the ground, thanks to the well-planted fear.

He paced back and forth within the confines of his lavish room, his movements fluid yet filled with a palpable tension.