
"Easy there," the seer spoke, observing Ling Yue barely maintaining etiquette and her royal princess aura.

Ling Yue heard nothing and pushed a plate towards him, seeing as his mouth was somehow free enough to talk.

"I shall refrain," the seer stated, still quite taken aback by Ling Yue's behavior.

> Huh... right... that. <

Ling Yue was reminded of the old days, back when she was staying with the seer. Eating with other people around was a herculean task for him, something he did only when he must.

Ling Yue could still vividly remember that one night when she was thirsty and the jug that the seer kept beside her ran out. Not wanting to disturb him, she managed to get off the bed herself with the assistance of the table and struggled her way to the kitchen. She opened the door to find beyond it not a man, but a beast with a red glint in his eyes, a bunch of plates on the floor, and a mess all around, including the beast's face.