A Round Of Corrupt The Cutie

"Hey, who is that expressionless and gorgeous human woman over there, boss? *sniff* hehehehe *sniff*"

A small goblinesque creature rode on the Demon King's left shoulder. If you could somehow look more grotesque than a mob goblin infected with crippling diseases, with skin devolving to the point you're just a small, backpack-sized pack of flesh, that would be this creature.

"Don't try anything, Envy..." the king sighed out a warning.

"Oh, come on, why? You calling dibs?"

"A friend of mine calls dibs."

"Doesn't she look like someone who was very recently dumped? Super vulnerable, heh *sniff*"

"No, there were just some complications. Besides, I don't want you getting in the way of my amusement. I'm curious to see how they will interact when my friend gets here..."

"Oh, if the king thinks this will be fun, then I guess I'll watch too."