The Secret Meeting Of The Demons

The Seer, once done with Ling Yue, walked up the lengthy stairs to the third floor. The atmosphere there was rather grim, a stark contrast to the situation below. Many demons had gathered, all waiting for the Seer to join them.

The King was just another demon in the mix; the usual notions of hierarchy so precious to the demons were nonexistent at this location. The King prompted the Seer to take a seat beside him, pulling up a chair while staring into space, much like the other demons with their grave expressions.

The Seer took the seat the King had saved. For a while, there was silence; nothing was spoken. Then, chaos erupted as demons began fighting each other until the King stood up and everyone sat back down, silent once again in the dimly lit room.

"How long are we going to stay silent like this? There are humans out there slaughtering our kind left and right!" one of them spoke up.