Another Filler?

"AHHHHHHHHH...huh?..." The Seer jolted awake, screaming as a beam of sunlight hit his face. Rays of sunlight filled the room, causing his eyes to ache before he could see clearly again.

He sat there, confused for a while, processing the dissonance between his dream and reality.

The Seer looked around. His robes and gloves were still on; nothing had been removed. Ling Yue was deep asleep beside him, the screaming having done nothing to wake her. Her drool accumulated on the pillow, dripping slowly.

*She fell asleep sitting against the wooden bed frame like that? Seems I was asleep on her lap. And all that embarrassing shit... Huh, that's what she meant by something similar. That's an absurd and disgusting skill she has,* he thought, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Welp..." the Seer muttered to himself, jumping off the bed. Today, he decided, he was going to explore the city—something that had been put off due to the fluctuating situations.