A Seer Not A Saint

"Ling Yue," spoke the Emperor, his voice heavy and laden with disdain for the Seer. "Why don't you go show our guest around? The Seer is welcome to stay as long as he likes. It would be an honor for our family to host such an esteemed guest." His attempt to mask his hatred was half-hearted at best.

"Aww, thanks, Uncle. You're the best~" Ling Yue thanked her uncle, giving him a deep hug of affection. The unending bloodlust oozing from him did nothing to hinder her free and joyful steps.

"C'mon, let's go. I'll show you around," Ling Yue said, running back to the Seer's side and wrapping one of his arms in hers, pulling him along with her.

The Seer greeted the Emperor respectfully on his way past, bowing his head slightly.

"We are going to have a deep, long chat later, son-in-law," the Emperor whispered in a threatening tone as the Seer passed by him.