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"Seriously, man, why are you like this?" Cao Tang sighed, finally lifting his foot off the beaten Seer, having vented all his frustration and stress. 

"Oh, lovable little me," the Seer wheezed, coughing violently as he struggled to get up, his body shaking from the effort. "I wonder that too sometimes..." 

"Don't worry about it, guys," Lin Hua interjected with a wry smile. "I heard from a secret source that he won't be like this for long." 

The Seer gave her a sidelong glance, a mixture of suspicion and curiosity in his eyes. "You think I don't know what that source is? Do you think it's reliable?" he asked, not really expecting an honest answer but intrigued nonetheless. 

"Yes, I believe it's reliable," Lin Hua replied, her tone light but firm. "Besides, you know the source. You don't like leaks, do you? So what are you going to do about it? Beat the source up?"