The Seer slumped further into his seat, his shoulders heavy with an unseen burden, his eyes barely managing to stay open. He muttered in a voice so low it was almost drowned by the hum of the stadium, "Ah, what have I done to deserve such... murderous gaze. The entire stadium respects the divinity that is me, and yet from that distance, there she glares at me. Signals—no, commands me to rejoin her on that heavy and noisy seat... what a distance... so far it is." His tone was weak, tinged with sadness, almost lifeless.
"Are you really alright?" Cao Tang asked, his brows furrowed in concern as he leaned closer. "You look even worse somehow. Are you sick? Looks like qi reversal, but your flow seems fine..." His fingers gently checked the Seer's wrist for a pulse.
"I'm fine... not sick... it's temporary. It'll pass," the Seer replied curtly, retracting his hand and immediately consuming another pill from the seemingly endless supply in his paper bag.