Crawling into a Man's Bedroom

After that, God Zeshion explained everything about a Servant Contract, as far as he knew. Mostly, it had three restrictions for the servants.

One is that they need to be within a kilometer of their "Lord" for at least an hour a day.

Two, they must follow the "Lord's" orders, no matter how unfair they may be. At this part, worry was clearly reflected on the faces of Lady Luo and the Wan Sisters. Even Goddess Vermeil was frowning.

If I took advantage of this, then that meant I could make the three girls do my bidding... Even if that's to take someone's or their own life.

I tried ordering something from Wan Li and Wan Er to test it.

"Put on your clothes in five seconds."

It was an impossible task, given that a yukata couldn't be worn quickly. The two's bodies moved on their own, dressing up as fast as physically possible, but it still took over half a minute to finish.