Sneaking Around

After popping out of the portal, Goddess Vermeil quickly lowered her stance. Under the cover of darkness, they should be hard to locate, but better be safe than sorry.

They were now on the periphery of the previous fortress, about a kilometer away from it. However, to god tamers, that much distance is like being right next to their noses.

When Ajax entered, he quickly erected a [Concealing Barrier] around them. The barrier was a mix of space and wind elements, perfectly hiding their presence by separating it from the surroundings. It covered about a hundred meters, centered on Vermeil.

  One after the other, people entered. They similarly kept their stances low, scanning the forest for anything out of place as they waited. After Zeshion entered last, Vermeil closed the portal and sighed.

"Okay, I think Agor hadn't noticed us yet."

"That's good."

Zeshion nodded before turning to Ember and the others.

"Can you feel where Will is now?"