Staying or Leaving

"Yes! I win!"

Goddess Zeta celebrated as soon as the 11,000th ring was completed, marking the end of the contest.

It only ended because the crystal that Ember was given got used up completely. If we got some more of it, then the fight may have continued even after we had already passed the required amount.

Everyone around us clapped heartily, celebrating her victory. Even I participated and clapped my hands for her. She then smiled smugly, as if saying, "See? I am the best!"

However, a few seconds later, her face became calmer and then turned solemn. Lastly, she turned bright red from the neck up as she hid her face behind her arms. Without saying anything else, she entered a crack in space and vanished from the room.

She must've realized how embarrassing it was to pick a fight with someone who's not even an artificer and act smugly after winning with an overkill final ratio of two-to-one.
