Shadow Soldiers

The shadow figures, who looked vicious and moved at a quick pace, were attacking us without mercy. I quickly pulled out my sword and swung against an incoming claw, only to end up getting sent a few steps back by the force.

These guys are powerful! Probably around the 8th or 9th stage in terms of strength alone. However, seeing how they melted away with just a single hit, their endurance was less than paper.

"Fang, Igni! Go!"

Knowing that they're weak against attacks, there's no need to wait for them to approach. Fang, using a mix of [Shadow Skip] and her claws clad in darkness, solidified, cleared all the nearby shadows—let's just call them Shadow Soldiers for now—and created enough breathing room for all of us.

Igni, after Fang cleared everything around us, used her flaming sword to mow down the approaching Shadow Soldiers in front. She paved the way towards the edge of the chasm that we needed to cross to reach the other side.