Teamwork VS Brute Force (3)

The next day, everyone gathered together at the table to eat breakfast. God Zeshion looked sleepy, while Goddess Zeta looked blooming for some reason. Yep, I don't know the reason at all~!

Still, the soundproofing in this mansion was superb. I didn't even hear a peep the entire night.

Still curious, after eating breakfast, I stealthily asked him about what exactly happened the previous night. However, unlike my expectations, nothing actually happened.

"What? No. I was scolded by her the entire night. As punishment, she cuffed me while we were about to rest. Thanks to that, I couldn't even sleep properly."

Hmm? What? Then why is Goddess Zeta blooming all of a sudden? Don't tell me she's an "S" and felt elated after dominating her tamer?