Sneaking Into a Different Kingdom

After the last warnings were said and done, Fang and I were prepared to set off.

The location we're headed for, the connected space to this teleportation array, was pretty close to Cleaver Kingdom's castle gate, similar to this one. And since activating teleportation would release a large blast of bright light, it would be difficult to hide them.

"So, instead, we'll be accompanying a messenger into the teleportation array while in hiding."

I explained the steps to Fang, who hadn't really listened to the explanation before.

The purpose for which we're going there isn't an offering anymore. After all, they already made their spies move. It's pretty useless to use me as bait now, as they'll probably just kill me on sight.

We're going there now as spies! As our status changed, so did our objective. In summary, we only have three main objectives during this short mission.