Master and Student

As if escaping from there, I ran up the stairs and went straight for the rooftops. As I reached it, however, my breathing wasn't disturbed at all. If it were me from the past, then I'd probably be panting like a dog in the summer after that short run.

The sniper rifle in my hand reminded me of the purpose I had when coming here, though. I moved to the edge of the fence, where a small table was, and placed the gun on top of it. After sitting down on one of the two stools, I turned to face the starry sky and felt pensive once more.

"It feels like a long time has passed, but it's only been a few months, huh..."

I guess the effect of my training with the five regressors and the incomplete memory of the time when I was stuck in that black space with the Demon Worms made me completely lose track of time. It was funny, but I guess doing it frequently can have adverse effects on my social life.