More Power Required

When I opened my eyes, the sky was already turning light blue. I tried to stretch my arms but noticed that Fatima was still sleeping on top of my thighs.


Seeing that she was sleeping so peacefully, my face loosened naturally, forming a smile. I patted her hair gently, scanning her body once more.

Her right arm, which had its energy circuits destroyed yesterday, was now completely back to normal. Other than that, I checked the energy pathways around her entire body, but nothing else was out of place.

After confirming that she was fine, my eyes slowly drifted toward her chest, rising and falling with her every breath. Other than her left leg and right arm, all parts of her body were still the original, after all.


I don't know how long I was staring at it, but soon her arm moved to cover it, hiding it from view.

"You're staring too much, Will."