Stairway to Heaven?

As they heard my question, everyone turned to look at Goddess Zeta, sitting down on one side with Ember attending to her.


With a grumpy expression, she turned to ask instead.

She had already spent all her energy, so she couldn't even teleport us back to the capital like this.

"Since Goddess Zeta is currently useless, we have no choice; we shall head back to the capital manually!"



T-That stings!

"It was a figure of speech! Don't get angry!"

I guess it was so out of context that it sounded like an insult to her, but anyway, would one actually kick someone in the back just for that? If Zeshion hadn't quietly grabbed her from behind, then she might've actually beaten me up.

"Sorry Will, it's that time of the month for her, so please pardon her."