Day 2 of Trials! (2)

After walking for a while, we finally reached the end of the long stairs. Then, after wrestling with the security protocols one last time, we finally reached the same place as yesterday, where the first level's portals were located.

"Alright! First, which elements should we challenge?"

From yesterday's discussion, it was decided that we would be challenging the trials in groups of two or more, depending on perceived difficulty. As such, we wouldn't challenge three trials at once but would instead take turns clearing them.

The longest trial lasted an hour, and even if all three trials were that long, we'd still have the entire afternoon left over.

"Hmmm, we already have the Fire, Death, Time, Control, Support, and Poison elements."

Fina mused while placing a finger on her chin.

"Then, how about Void?"

"No, we'd rather save that for last."