Following the Girls: Judy (4)

Judy's gaze was just as obvious as it could get. Of course, I didn't put anything weird into the food. We've reached a point where we don't require such things in our relationship. This is a "natural" change in her that comes with how the situation rolled about.


And I abso-f*cking-lutely have no reason to refuse!

I silently moved the food to the side, creating a new platform for them to not get in our way. After securing the food, I leaned closer to Judy and pulled her chin closer. Her silent eyes begged for something, and I knew what it was.

My other hand moved, wrapping around one of her cheeks. It wasn't the cheek on her face, but rather the one behind her. Their suppleness was remarkable, their bounce almost akin to a stress ball.

Judy bit her lips, as if "feeling" my touch. Her skin was getting hotter with every passing second. Without a doubt, she was entering a state of arousal unlike anything she had ever experienced before!