Chapter 1: A one night stand with an unknown man

The Ray's of sunlight entered the room as it fell on Diana's face. she rolled over to the left side of the bed as she stood up and rubbed her sleepy eyes with the back of her hand. Diana observed her surrounding and it didn't look familiar. she stood up straight and found herself naked on the large bed.

"what the heck happened last night." She frowned.

"OMG did i just sleep with an unknown person." Diana cried as she tried to stand up from the bed with her body full of hickey, she grabbed her dress which lay on the ground, she looked at the bed which had her blood stain.The virginity she had kept for so long had been taken. Diana cried as she headed to the bathroom.

After dressing up Diana left the hotel room and called for a cab. A few minutes after Diana left, a man entered the room holding a bag in his hand he scanned the room but couldn't find the girl when his phone suddenly rang.

"hello what's it?" A cold voice asked.

"boss! she's left." The caller replied at the other end.

"handle it, besides I don't care about this things." The man replied and ended the call walking out of the room.

Diana paid her fare and the gate was opened for her as she entered into the palour, she heard her stepsister's voice.

"oh Diana where have you been?, we've been looking all over for you?" Samira asked.

"I...I had some work to do." Diana replied nervously.

"so is that a good reason to keep late nights?" Her stepmom asked.

"Diana is that a mark I see on your neck it looks like an hickey,oh, did you." Samira gasped looking at her mum.

"enough, Diana you've brought disgrace to the family by going about sleeping with men how can you be so shameless." Matilda questioned looking at her husband to back her up.

"Diana. " Elvis (her father) called.

"how could you, Diana I don't want to see your face in this house again." Elvis declared looking at his daughter with disgust.

"but dad..." Diana tried to speak between tears but she was cut off.

"no buts I said out!" Elvis pointed to the door.

"mom, sis please I don't know how it happened, I was raped." Diana spoke between sobs.

"out know, George throw her out know." Elvis spoke with anger in his voice and George (her stepbrother) took her by the arm and threw her out the door.

"dad please." Diana begged but the door was shut on her face. Diana stood up holding the door with all her might but it wouldn't open, where would I start from?, who will be my new family? I have nothing no one out there?. Diana cried as she stood on her feet about to leave when she heard a voice which rooted her to the spot.

"OMG she's such a fool, she didn't even know we planned it."Samira laughed her heart out.

"yes dear, she's finally out of our life." Elvis replied and all of them laughed.


Diana walked out of the building with tears in her eyes. She couldn't still believe it that the family she loved so much will want to hurt her. Diana cried as walked down the lonely road. the cars where moving fast and the trees where dancing due to the heavy wind. Diana looked up as the clouds darkened a storm was about to start. Diana who was looking had crossed to the other side of the road and was now standing in the middle of the road still looking at the sky, when a car stopped immediately in front of her and due to shock and stress Diana fainted in front of the car.