Helping the beast men

"What are you talking about?" Chen Zoe asked, his voice filled with anxiety and disbelief upon hearing Yuzhen's claim.

"I know it's hard to believe my words," Yuzhen began, his voice filled with a touch of desperation, "but I'm telling the truth. Their children are here, and they won't return until they get them back."

Yuzhen could feel the weight of skepticism in Chen Zoe's eyes, and he continued, his tone pleading, "I can understand animal language from a young age. I don't know how to explain it, but please, Master, you have to believe me." He looked into Chen Zoe's eyes, trying to convey the sincerity of his words.

Knowing the truth about Long Yuzhen, Chen Zoe doesn't doubt the words of the born ruler of two realms. He was born with great powers, and this ability be one of them. However, the current Yuzhen wasn't aware of the fact that he was a mixed race, a child born from a demon and a dragon. 

"Wait here." Leaving Yuzhen behind, Chen Zoe went to Xi Shen's room to discuss about the matter.

However, Xi Shen didn't react the way, Chen Zoe expected. Xi Shen's response was filled with skepticism as he firmly expressed his doubts. "Don't act recklessly, Zoe. We can't believe his words just like that," he cautioned. "No one in the human realm knows those beasts' language, so how does he understand them? Is he one of their kind? Who knows what his real motive is?"

"But what if he's telling the truth? What if their children were kidnapped?" Chen Zoe asked.

Xi Shen, unyielding in his stance, retorted, "Even if it's true, there's nothing we can do...

Do you think the villagers would dare to enter the beast men's territory and kidnap their children? This must be the doing of some higher ups…"

"Just because of that, you were backing off after knowing the seriousness of this matter." [Chen Zoe]

"We are here to protect the people, not to start an investigation into why those damn beasts suddenly started an attack. If they come back, our duty is to kill them, nothing else. Don't get into unnecessary trouble, Zoe..." Xi Shen tried to discourage Zoe from starting an investigation and putting himself in trouble.

After understanding that no matter what he said, he wouldn't be able to change Xi Shen's mind, Chen Zoe left the room with a deep sense of disappointment.

"Master..." Long Yuzhen, looking concerned and anxious, met Chen Zoe upon his return to their room.

"Yuzhen, you can communicate with animals, right!" Chen Zoe inquired, while deciding something on his mind.

"Why are we sneaking out like this, Master?" Yuzhen whispered, puzzled, as he followed Chen Zoe in their departure. He was curious about their hushed exit.

Chen Zoe chose his words carefully, wanting to keep Yuzhen unaware of the internal issues. "We're not sneaking out, Yuzhen. We're just leaving quietly and calmly so as not to disturb anyone," he explained, leading Yuzhen away with discretion.

They moved quietly through the shadows, avoiding attention, and slipping away unnoticed by others.

'Isn't that the same thing?' Yuzhen thought, but he didn't voice his question.

"Try to communicate with them and find out the truth from their perspective," Chen Zoe instructed as they arrived at the location where the wounded beast men were being held. These beast men, with their imposing and majestic figures, lay wounded and helpless. Their fur, matted with mud and blood, was a testament to the fierce battle that had taken place.

Yuzhen took a deep breath and began speaking to the wounded beast men in their language. He conveyed their intentions of seeking the truth and their willingness to help.

One of the wounded beast men stepped forward. He appeared to be their leader, but his trust in Chen Zoe was clearly shaken. They had witnessed the brutality of the humans, who had taken many of their lives. Wariness and anger were evident in his eyes as he hesitated to share their side of the story with the human who had caused them so much pain and suffering.

Chen Zoe fixed his gaze upon the wounded beast man, his voice turning cold and unyielding, like ice. "Look here," he began, his voice carrying a weight of authority, "I don't have any compassion towards you or your people. If your people come again to fight, do you think they will return alive? You, your people, and the children will meet a merciless end right here. So, make a wise decision before it comes to that."

Yuzhen hesitated for a moment, uncertain about whether to translate these stern words, but Chen Zoe remained resolute. He continued, never once breaking eye contact with the wounded beast man.

"There's no need for translation," he proclaimed, "he understood what I said."

The tension in the air was thick, and the wounded beast man exchanged nervous looks with his comrades. They found themselves in a dangerous predicament, confronted by a human who exhibited no mercy.

"Do you genuinely intend to help us?" The leader of the beasts finally spoke. Although he didn't completely trust Chen Zoe, he had no other options left and accepted the offer.

Chen Zoe decided to release the leader of the beast men and requested his assistance in leading them to the location where their children were being held captive. The leader began to track the scent of their cubs, the same way they reached the human realm while tracking it.

Sniffing the air, the leader spoke, "I can smell them. Follow me."

Guided by the leader, they ventured deep into the forest until they reached a creepy location, there they saw a small house. Chen Zoe questioned, "Are you certain this is the place?"