Feng Zhan

"Senior, we should call the leader; it's a monster attack. You also witnessed it, right?" The man who had just regained consciousness after getting attacked by the cub, spoke in a panicked manner as soon as he woke up. 

Chen Zoe hesitated to report the monster attack, primarily because it could pose a threat to the cub's life, especially when its power was connected to darkness. Furthermore, he hadn't revealed the cub's existence to the sect yet. 

"Monster? What on earth are you talking about? We didn't see anything there," Rui replied, distorting the reality of the situation. "I think, you may have come into contact with the hallucination drug I prepared to catch the thief who has been stealing my medicinal plants recently."

The man's face now showed more anxiety than confusion after hearing Rui's explanation.

"Anyway, what were you doing in my experimental lab?" Rui questioned with suspicion in his eyes.

"I-I was looking for you there...

Oh, I completely forgot, I have an important task to complete. I must go, its already late now..." The man hurriedly attempted to make his exit.

"But your health..." Rui began to stop him by showing fake concern. (There was no sincerity in his voice.)

"I'm perfectly fine..." The man didn't even look back as he hastily left the room.

Rui laugh at the man's idiotic excuses while Chen Zoe let out a sigh of relief and genuinely apologized for the loses and shock that Rui had experienced due to the cub.

"Senior, where did you get this cub?" The words made Chen Zoe anxious a bit, but he eventually realized what Rui actually meant. "Why didn't you bring one for me as well? I already know he's special, but I never thought he'd be this cool."

"Are you really not afraid of him?" Chen Zoe asked curiously.

"Not a bit," Rui replied confidently. "Why should I be afraid of this cute one? If I had to be afraid of his disastrous powers, then I've met and treated much stronger ones with worse temper at this young age. 

When I examined him, I noticed he'd been severely abused by someone.  So, it's natural for him to react to his surroundings when he feels insecure. Anyway, he helped me capture that b****** who had been robbing me continuously. I should be the one who's grateful."

Without having any complaints over the loses he face, Rui speak maturely. He doesn't want to blame a cub or his senior for what happened there.

"Then how about I help you clean it up?" Chen Zoe offered.

"That's a good offer, I heartily welcome it," Rui replied. Since they couldn't ask for external help to clean the room, Zoe and Rui decided to handle the situation themselves.

As they began cleaning, the cub regained consciousness and watched Chen Zoe and Rui calmly, not causing any more trouble.

"Anyway, I hope that guy won't open his mouth to any of the elders," Zoe said.

"He won't. I don't think he's an idiot to dig his own grave," Rui replied confidently. He then turned his attention to the cub. "Shouldn't we give this little cutie a name? We can't call him 'cub' forever..."

"I was also planning to give him a name…"

"How about we call him, Jeweli?" Rui suggested before Zoe could speak. "Isn't that good? No? Then, Blacky?"

"Eh? Rui, choose a name that holds some meaning."

"A meaningful name... Hmm… 'Lieren'… it sounds so cool and unique.

Do you like that name, my cutie?" Rui excitedly asked the cub, who gave a clueless expression in response.

"Lieren, doesn't that mean hunter?" Chen Zoe pointed out.

"Correct, didn't you see how he took down that guy today? He is a born hunter."


"OK-OK, if you don't like it, we can think of another one. Why raising your blood pressure unwantedly?" Rui replied, trying to calm Zoe.

"Zhan Shen, how about this name?"

"Why are you giving that guy's name to my cute baby?" Rui only focused on the last name 'Shen' which was similar to Xi Shen.

"Forget about it…" Zoe didn't want to argue and suggested a new name. "Feng Zhan, which means 'phoenix warrior.'"

"That's a cool name. Let's go with it. Do you hear that? From now on, your name is Feng Zhan." [Rui]

"Why does he look so clueless? Is it because he can't understand us?" Rui used his ultimate weapon to make the cub understand by repeatedly speaking their names while pointing each other. "Feng Zhan, Chen Rui, Chen Zoe. Feng Zhan, Chen Rui, Chen Zoe..."

'Is he really alright?'  Zoe couldn't help but wonder if something was wrong with Rui. His friend's behavior seemed unusual.

However, because of that incident something unexpectedly happened afterwards. Chen Zoe (disguise as Ziya), Long Yuzhen and Chen Ling got a travel package to Kiachi to collect some medicinal plants.

"I was planning to spend my time peacefully. How did I end up with these two? I really want to go home...." [Chen Zoe]