Sharing happiness

Hearing sounds coming from inside the room, Yuzhen grew concerned and hurriedly opened the door. He was startled to find the room in complete disarray. From underneath the bed, a cat came out, providing an answer to all his questions, and leaped out of the window.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom, Chen Zoe let out a sigh of relief as he finished his transformation in the nick of time. He retrieved the ring and returned to the bathroom just before Yuzhen entered the room.

After quickly changing, he came out from the bathroom as Ziya. "What's going on here?" she asked Yuzhen with an innocent tone, showing no signs of shame.

"Ahh... A cat messed up the room." Yuzhen replied.

Ziya offered, "Oh, do you need any help cleaning it up?" She was ready to take responsibility for the mess she had caused, but Yuzhen declined her offer. 

In Yuzhen's view, Ziya had simply taken a bath and come out. Her hair wasn't dry yet, and water drops were still wetting the floor.

"Here, dry off your hair first, and I can clean this mess," he offered, handing her a towel.

"Thank you." Ziya replied.

"Aren't you guys hungry..." Chen Ling entered the room without any formalities, noticing that the door was opened. "What happened to your room?"

Upon seeing Chen Ling, Ziya quickly left the room, while Yuzhen explained, "A cat got inside."

Chen Ling casually offered her assistance, asking, "Need my help?" Yuzhen accepted her offer, and she began to clean up the mess.

While cleaning, Chen Ling couldn't help but notice the water drops everywhere and was reminded of Ziya's face. She mumbled to herself in a suspicious tone, "What exactly happened here?"


At night.

Kiachi was bustling with anticipation as the annual lantern festival was just two days away. People were busy preparing, adorning the streets with colorful lanterns, and the air was filled with excitement and anticipation. It was as if the entire city was holding its breath, waiting for the festivities to begin.

As the city prepared for the upcoming festival, Yuzhen, Ziya, and Chen Ling couldn't help but soak in the atmosphere of excitement and the hints of what was to come. The streets were already adorned with lanterns of various shapes and sizes, providing a glimpse of the vibrant celebration that was about to ensue. The trio couldn't help but feel the mounting excitement in the air.

"The lanterns here are truly mesmerizing. It's as if the whole city is glowing with happiness. I've never seen anything like this before. It's beautiful." Ziya express her view towards the place.

"I can hardly wait for the lantern festival. The city is already buzzing with energy." Chen Ling commented, agreeing with Ziya. "If brother Zoe were here, he would have enjoyed the festival more than anyone else." 

"Does he like this kind of atmosphere?" Curiously, Yuzhen asks.

"Of course, he does. Once he got caught red-handed sneaking out from the sect to enjoy the festival..." For some reason, their conversation shifted to Chen Zoe.

Leaving them, Ziya went to the food stall to taste some street foods. unexpectedly, she noticed a poor boy sitting on a corner, his eyes filled with longing as he watched others indulge in the festivities.

"Are you hungry?" Ziya approached him and asked with concern. The boy nodded in response, and she continued, "Will you accept some food if I give you?"

The boy responded with a quiet "Mm."

"OK, then come with me." She bought him a bowl of noodle soup from a nearby vendor, and the child's face lit up with gratitude.

"Can I share it with my brother? He's hungry as well." Hesitatingly, the boy asked instead of digging in himself.

"One more serving of noodles, please," Ziya requested, buying an additional portion and giving it to the boy, ensuring he didn't have to share his portion. While observing the entire scene, Yuzhen stood there, and the act of kindness stirred memories of a similar moment from his past.

As Yuzhen observed the situation, he muttered to himself, "You are still the same." Chen Ling had been closely watching Yuzhen's expression as he looked at Ziya and couldn't help but be slightly amused by his reaction.

Chen Ling then expressed her thoughts, saying, "I can't believe that people still using the same old tricks these days."

Yuzhen, confused, asked, "What do you mean?"

Chen Ling explained, "Can't you see? She's putting on an act, trying to show off how kind she is. She's just buying some cheap noodles for that child to impress someone, but I can't figure out who she's trying to impress.

Oh, let me think. She seems to be quite interested in you. From the beginning, she's been trying to impress you. These small-minded people and their big dreams," Chen Ling looked down at Ziya as she spoke to Yuzhen.

Yuzhen, now realizing Chen Ling's true intentions, responded angrily, "What do you know about her to speak like this?"

From being a servant, she's trying to become a concubine in a wealthy family like yours. I wonder if she has any sense of shame at all, using her appearance and charm to attract men while pretending to be innocent..." Before Chen Ling could finish her sentence, Yuzhen interjected.

"I also wonder if you have any shame at all, talking behind someone's back while pretending to be friendly. It really disgusts me to even stand near you," Yuzhen remarked, his voice filled with disappointment. Before he walked away, he added, "Also, it would be good if you stopped judging others based on your own standards."

Ziya, who had been watching Yuzhen and Chen Ling's conversation, thought it might be the start of a better relationship between them. However, it turned out to be the opposite.

Yuzhen walked over to Ziya and took her with him, leaving Chen Ling behind.