Am I also a reincarnated person then?

As they moved on from there, the memory plane blocks the further moments of Chen Zoe and Lei Wei. Not only that, they quickly transferred to another memory. Entirely different from first genre, they end up in a battlefield where a war was on going between demons and heavens army.

An arrow fell from the sky, aimed at Chen Zoe. For a moment, he thought it's the end. But being a wandering soul in Long Tian's memory, saved him. The arrow land on the ground, it passed through his body. 

"Are you OK?" Seeing the feared face of Chen Zoe, Lei Wei asks.

"Am I still alive?" He spoke in daze. Taking this opportunity, Lei Wei slapped Chen Zoe to provide proof.

"You… Damn dragon…" The situation wasn't that good, he needs Lei Wei's help to return. So, he calmed himself for a greater good.

Also, Chen Zoe had many things to clarify from Lei Wei and the situation in that place doesn't seem right for the conversation. So, he takes Lei Wei a little far from the battle field.

"So, Mr. Dragon, can you explain what the exact situation we are in?" In a serious tone, Chen Zoe asks.

Lei Wei was also in a confused situation; he couldn't grasp the exact answer for it. First, they entered at the heavenly palace and now, a battlefield out of nowhere. 

'Just because I'm a dragon doesn't mean I have experience in entering someone else memory. You idiot…' Lei Wei's eyes speak his mind.

Although he knew, they screwed up. Lei Wei doesn't speak up and acts cool as he knew everything. 

"I already told you, it's the memory of Lord Tian. So, it filled with every emotion and all these can't be happened in a one place. It is different each time, so all we have to do is collect needed information through these memories and successfully escape from the dream world while solving the problem in front of us."

"Information… Can you tell me, what information you gather in the first memory?" Not having a single drop of trust in Lei Wei, Chen Zoe suspiciously asks. 

"Ahh… mmm…" Lei Wei thought for a moment and continued. "I never thought you be such a clueless person after witnessing the truth with your own eyes. The boy that Xiao Bai meets, he exactly looks like Yuzhen when he was young. 

So wasn't that a proof, Yuzhen is the reincarnation of Lord Tian, the god of war." Internally praying hard for to let Chen Zoe fall for his trick, Lei Wei spoke.

"But how can you be sure, the boy was Long Tian. He doesn't introduce himself, nor anyone called his name there. Then how?

Also, I sawed my younger self there as Xiao Bai. So, are you telling, I'm also a reincarnated person?" Cross questioning the explanation of Lei Wei, Chen Zoe asks.

"Hahaha... silly guy... Look, whose memory we are currently in? Lord Tian's right... So who's memory running here? Lord Tian's right... Then the boy who looks similar to Yuzhen is Lord Tian without any doubt. A small child will correctly answer such questions." Confusing Chen Zoe with logic, Lei Wei defeats him.

"Also, your case wasn't an impossible thing. When Lord Tian can be reborn as Yuzhen, why can't you?"

That question was something, Lei Wei really got after came to a conclusion of Chen Zoe and Yuzhen's relationship. Yuzhen's yearning towards Chen Zoe doesn't feel like a normal attraction to him.

As Yuzhen or Long Tian his eyes were only at Chen Zoe, even if he in disguise or not. There seemed to be an invisible thread that ties Yuzhen with Chen Zoe.

"Lord Xuan, it's not the time to act on a whim. Don't you hear the roar, the black dragon is reaching nearby. We need to step back for now, our troop isn't in the state to win against the mighty dragon."

"I think, he is right my lord. The black dragon is the powerful one in the entire heavenly realm, backing down right now, doesn't mean we are defeated."

Hearing the conversation, Lei Wei and Chen Zoe raise his head and look around while hearing the name 'Black dragon' as well as Lord Xuan. Because of wearing a helmet, they couldn't able to see Lord Xuan's face, but seeing the demon generals around him made sure, he was the one Lei Wei speak about.

For some reason, Chen Zoe felt an unknown emotion towards Lord Xuan even though he doesn't know who he is. Seeing the shadow of black dragon in the white sky, Lei Wei's face quickly brightens up.

He looked like a fan boy meeting his star. "Look, look… he is about to split fire." Scratching Chen Zoe with excitement, Lei Wei shown him the redness appearing in the sky.

Not longing, Chen Zoe witnessed the rain of fire pouring out from the sky. The fire washout half of the demon army. Suddenly some images rise again in Chen Zoe's mind. Burned faces, screams of people, burning buildings… make him lose his control for a second. 

"When my people are dying, you want me to flee…" After gain control on himself, Chen Zoe hear the voice of Lord Xian.

The generals are trying to take their Lord from the place. Having no choice, he had to listen them but before he run away from the battlefield, Lord Xuan was able to leave an injury on the black dragon by shooting a poisonous spear using all his power.

The scream of victory was heard from the heavenly realm soldiers, not concerned about the black dragon. 

Thinking about what this memory actually showing, Chen Zoe and Lei Wei transferred to another place, inside a forest. There they saw a man who similar to current Yuzhen, lying on the ground with an injury.

It was actually the injured black dragon who turns back into human form, and lost consciousness in the middle of the forest. From a distance, they hear some footsteps as someone nearing to the place.

'Am I really going to watch a K-drama in real life.

Now out of nowhere, a heroine appears in front of the injured hero. She saves him and then they start to develop feelings…" After predicting the fated encounter of every cliché hero and heroine, Chen Zoe eagerly wait to see it.

Breaking his prediction, the one who came there was a boy and seeing an injured person unconsciously lying on the ground, the boy quickly went to call someone for help. Not longing, he came back with a man [ditto of Chen Zoe], who wearing flashy revealing clothes and golden ornaments, but it suited him well. 

After seeing the man, the first memory came to Chen Zoe's mind was Zhihao.

"The stab wasn't deep but it seems like some poison went inside. Look his lips were turning blue. His pulses were weakening as well, he won't survive for long without receiving any proper treatment." Checking his condition, the man spoke.

"Brother Xuan, is he going to die?" The little boy anxiously asks.

Hearing the name again, both Chen Zoe and Lei Wei startled. Two Xuan, in different get ups.

"Of course not, this person is lucky that he encountered your brother Xuan." He draws out a medicine and feed the black dragon, also he gave him a first aid. "This medicine will cure the poison in his body."

"Isn't the medicine, you discovered last night? How can you sure about it when you didn't even test it on anyone?" 

"Didn't I test it now?

The sun is setting, we need to hurry up. If he still alive after we return, let's take him as a test subject." Not having any surety of the man's survival, Xuan leaves the place with the boy.

But before that he takes out the gold ring from the man's hand as a payment. "I can smell money from it, how much does we get from selling it?"