Liyue village.

Before Lei Wei could decide something, the memories changed to another plane. But what unexpected happen this time was, Chen Zoe went missing. He panicked and tried to use his magic to find Chen Zoe, but strangely Lei Wei felt like his powers were blocked. 

Staying with Long Tian, unable to do anything. Lei Wei worried about Chen Zoe, not knowing what exactly happened to him. 

Meanwhile, Chen Zoe ended up Xuan Yi's office, where he witnesses Xuan Yi in a drunken state and was sharing his heartbroken love story to Xuan Yu. 

From Xuan Yu's expression, it was clear that if Yi weren't his brother, he would have committed murder.

"How can he reject me so heartlessly? I'm the stupid one, I shouldn't have gone there… You know Yu, he is happy to marry that bastard than me… How can he say that to my face?..." Xuan Yi keep talking. 

"So what you want him do then? Tomorrow night is his marriage brother, you want him to stop that marriage and run away with you… 

Whatever happening right now, is all because of your stupidity brother. If you called him back that day, now he been with us as my brother in law. 

And why can't he saw no, it's only applicable to you. It's called Karma brother, you only gain what you sow." Finally losing temper, Xuan Yu shouts. 

"Yu, I want him… I can't live without him… What should I do?" Xuan Yi starts to cry.

"If you loved him this much, why you push him to this edge?" Chen Zoe and Xuan Yu asked the same question with same emotion as Chen Zoe begin to feel himself as Xuan Yu.

"You still don't understand the difference between Bai Lu and us. How much I love him or capable to protecting, the truth won't change that I'm a demon at last. 

We fall with each other not knowing the reality and difference of our world. After our parents death, I start to realize it. That's the first reason, for me to make a distance from him. But what made me a cold hearted person in front of him wasn't that… But the truth he hid..." 


"By being with a demon, the price he had to pay is himself. His life be shorten, powers be slowly disappears, and a deadly curse will put on his soul. After knowing, how can I act selfish…" Xuan Yi speak his side story.

"You should have told me this before…" Feeling guilty, Xuan Yu speaks. "Wait, then why are you really causing trouble now? Isn't this what you actually want?"

"How can it be same? I truly want him to have a good long life, but not with that bastard, Wang Mao. Do you have any idea, how worst that psychopath is? There isn't any count, how many innocent people died at his hands. Also it wasn't his first marriage, all three of his consorts die at his hands brutally. 

Bai Lu, that stupid only marrying him out of his anger towards me. I don't how to make him understand…" Frustratingly, Xuan Yi throw the alcohol bottle to the floor.

"I can stop this wedding." Xuan Yu speak something that really uncertain.


"But you have to take responsibility." Seeing the puzzled expression, Xuan Yu continued. "What I mean is, you have to marry him and take him here with respect.

How far as I know, Bai Lu loves you as much as you do. Without you, he will only live as a lifeless doll."

Giving hope, Xuan Yu left the room with a determined face. He went to pack the necessary things with him, that include Long Tian as well. [There Chen Zoe and Lei Wei met again and start the journey together.]

The journey takes them to Liyue Village, the land of fox clan. To enter the village, Long Tian hesitated a bit because there may be people who might recognize his real identity. 

"Xuan Yu, I don't think your idea be workout, how about returning back?" Long Tian slightly try to discourage and take him back. 

"Yarok, we didn't come all the way here to return empty handed. We can only leave here with Bai Lu, unless it's the end our life." Confidently Xuan Yu spoke. 

"So you are well aware, if we get caught it's the end, right?" Crushing his self confidence in one dialogue, Long Tian continues. "So, what's the plan? Are we going to enter like this?" Looking at the black costume they are wearing, Long Tian raise a question. 

"It's my fault, I should have taken someone with brain with me… Why I carry all these things to here for show? Let's change into some half-baked immortals." Xuan Yu follows the costume of Liyue village that somewhat similar to Bai Lu's style. For Long Tian, he wears a guard uniform, additionally he wore a veil to cover his identity.

Seeing Xuan Yu in that costume, Long Tian couldn't take off his eyes for a moment.

"Why this veil? You look quite suspicious, take it off…" Xuan Yu tried to take it off from Long Tian's face, but he got stopped in the middle as Long Tian grab his hands. 

Long Tian felt strange for some reasons, his heart beat rises and their eyes locked on each other. 

["Is it how they start to have feelings?" Observing it Lei Wei curiously asks to Chen Zoe. 

"How do I know?" Nonchalantly, Zoe replied.]

They feel awkward and quickly separated. Feeling shy to face each other, Xuan Yu walked first, and Long Tian followed him "You can wear it if you want…"