Confession of love

After creating a tense atmosphere at the wedding hall, the groom finally entered the hall. The whispers themselves shut down for a moment. 

His footsteps raised Bai Lu's heartbeat. Hiding the pain of losing himself, he tried to stand there as a puppet without showing any emotions. 

The guests wondered why the groom also covered his face with a red veil. However, the limited time didn't let anyone dig deeper into such silly things. 

The wedding rituals finally began. The grooms paid respect to their ancestors and stood facing each other. Like a puppet acting according to commands, Bai Lu did his part well. 

With the end of the third bow, they officially became husbands. As the last ritual of giving the new attire to the groom, Bai Lu received a golden attire designed with white and gold threads and an old silver bracelet on top. 

Seeing it, Bai Lu's eyes widened. 'Yi…' A voice rose from his heart, and his eyes filled with tears.