Path Of Vengeance

It was only after hearing Raven's words that it dawned on Freddy that he had turned into one of those monsters as well. He was an Ink Crawler. 

Raven laughed maniacally, taunting Freddy, telling him that he was forever trapped in this body, fated to feel the pain of every attack, yet never die.

"You will live until the day I live," Raven said. "Even if you're hurt, I'll heal you. All until the day you watch me kill your friend. And then… haha, I'll just continue using you."

Freddy was mad. If he could speak, he would have shouted curses at her. If he could attack, he would've crushed her to the ground. However, unfortunately for him, he could do nothing against her.

"Now, follow me," Raven said. "We need to leave quickly."

She turned around and walked away, and even if he didn't want to, Freddy had to follow her, with the phantom pain of his body still ever-present in his mind, despite him wanting to stay away.