Kinetic Absorption

The 3 men waited in anticipation for the moment that Stanley walked in. They were ready with their guns and sword.

Then Stanley entered the room.

Except, he didn't take the door.

He burst through the wall to the side that connected to the room on the right and arrived there.

Time immediately slowed down for him the moment he entered as he took note of where everyone was.

He saw the guard who was responsible for attacking a restaurant closest to him and the one that belonged to a drug cartel on the other side. 

David was on the bed, trying to block the debris that flew out from the broken wall.

Finally, Stanley looked for the girl who was huddled up on the floor and once he saw her, he got to work.

He grabbed one of the flying pieces of rock and tossed it in the direction of the guard on the far side. At the same time, he took out his gun and pointed it at the guard closest to him.