No More

Grime was filled with confidence that he was going to kill the young man in front of him. He shot him once more time, following the young man as he ran through the hallway.

As he ran, Grime suddenly heard a cry from the other side. He quickly turned around, but he saw nothing. He could only imagine that Rebecca had killed the girl that had killed him.

He turned around and was about to continue shooting when he saw the young man staring directly at him with an unmoving eye. He looked down and saw a sword in his hand pointed at him.

The sword glowed red when the young man hit it and a moment later, he hit it again. The two metal fangs around the sword opened up and the young man stared at him with a smile.



Grime saw a flash of red and he was suddenly staring at the metal door at night.

He had flashed back again.
