
A middle-aged man arrived at a large mountain to the north of East Vanli. It was a vacation spot with a lookout built for travelers to look down at the valley where the city was built.

He looked through one of the binoculars provided, seeing the city and its people swarming like ants where food was dropped.

"I had got hold of a Nova 20 years ago," the man spoke. "One that I hoped was going to become strong. He was supposed to be hidden and taken care of properly until he was of age."

"I had told them what they could do to make him strong. It was simple but effective. Nothing like your farms," he said. "Just kill a lot of people. It was so easy. But I had warned them to wait until he was old enough and intelligent enough."

"However, those fanatics that were around him couldn't wait until he was old and ended up causing a very large explosion to kill hundreds of thousands of people in a city."