Two Guns and a Gem

Stanley closed the gap again, deciding that it was the safest way to fight someone with a ranged attack. At a close range, he would have a much easier job making it difficult for the woman to fight.

At the same time, the woman's whole deal was to do whatever she could to keep a distance between her and Stanley.

As such, their fight quickly devolved between a cat and mouse chase of each other.

Stanley hated that the woman had a way to keep him away. Every bullet he was hit by pushed him back a little, keeping him from rushing forward all at once. Each time he was knocked back, he came to a full stop and had to start running again.

The woman could also shoot at a pretty good speed of 2 bullets every single second, so Stanely had a harder time getting close to her.

He could move in random directions, causing the woman to miss a few of her shots, but more often than not, she did not miss.