
"They say Queen Adella was his North Star, that she guided King Aemon through the darkest parts of his wretched"life"—Queen Cersei Lannister


The clear amber sky blanketed the world as the waves swallowed the sun. The city was bustling with noise as children, women, and men sang a merry tune. The brothels were full and the tables were fuller as everyone was celebrating and feasting.

It was a delightful day; no one was unhappy in Lannisport as the young daughter of Lord Lannister was celebrating her 13th name day, so a large celebration was taking place. Lords and ladies from all over the realm were attending: the Baratheons from Storms End, the Tullys from Riverrun, the Tyrells from Highgarden, the Hightowers from Hightower, the Reyne from Castamere, and the Arryns of the Eyrie. Truly, most of the prominent houses apart from those of the north were in attendance, and most of the royal family was also in attendance, all except the hire to the iron throne and the rogue prince who was still in the stepstones.

The King The Queen and the four youngest members of the Targaryen house were at Casterly Rock, the largest castle in the world, three times higher than the wall, two leagues (six miles) west to east, and two miles wide. It was truly a monstrosity, which illustrates the grandeur of the wealthiest house in the wealthiest region of Westeros, for every child knew of Lannister gold as they knew of the north's snow.

The young lady Adella had given free bread, wine, and meat to every person who lived in Lannisport, having it delivered to all houses as a gift so the small folk could celebrate with her, a truly generous action that had firmly rooted her into the hearts of every small folk.

Aemon pov

Sitting in one of the many yards of the gargantuan castle, I was thinking of the cost today's stunt had cost us. It had been Adella's idea to hand out a partial amount of food to all the small folk in Lannisport, and it had cost us around all of our profits from the last three months from our brothels.

The money was difficult at first to figure out; however, I managed to get an idea about it. Honestly, GRR made this more complicated than it needed to be, so we have high to low Golden Dragons. Silver Stags, Penny, and Half-penny 210 silver stags go into one Golden Dragon, 56 pennies go into one silver stag, and 112 half pennies go into one silver stag.

Analysing the price of bread, which is 1 and a half penny, I could equate it to one and a half penny equals around $1.20, so one penny is $0.80, so one golden dragon is around $9408, which is insane as Adella has dresses that cost over seven golden dragons, and Tywin loaning out around 3 million golden dragons makes the wealth even more insane.

How in the world did Robert get into 6 million golden dragons of debt? The hell was going on, but this entire currency system is confusing at best and downright absurd normally, but I digress. So a normal small folk makes around 6 to 9 silver stags a year, or around 504 pennies a year on the high end, and I have spent around 7,000 golden dragons feeding the 250,000 small folk that live in Lannisport, which is around three months of our total brothel earnings.

While contemplating my finances, a pat on my shoulder broke me from my thoughts. I shifted my head to see Robar and Emilia standing next to me. Emilia had her usual stoic and expressionless face on while Robar was grinning like a fool at me. "So has the name-day feast commenced?" Emilia gave a gentle nod.

Getting up, I motioned for Helaena and Aegon, who were playing about near me, to follow me as we made our way to the great hall to commence this feast. Arriving, the herald announced our arrival as I walked up to the front where the prominent lords and ladies and my mother and Viseryes were sitting and chose a seat right in between my mother and Adella, who was sitting next to her father, Aegon Helaena, and the twins Aemond and Dearon sat on my mother left in-between her and Viseryes.

Adella turned to me and whispered, "You looked like you had seen a ghost. What's on your mind, love?" She expressed a slight concern in her sweet voice.

"Nothing much, just the death of our coffers." I said I get the need to grab the love of the small folks as well. The dragon pit illustrates how bad a wrathful population of smallfolk can be, but it was a lot of money, and I don't feel comfortable having any less than 14,000 golden dragons with me at all times. Well, a necessary expense, I suppose I thought as I let out a sigh.

"You really love counting coppers, don't you? It's odd for a man born without ever needing to worry about money." She spoke in a neutral tone, a weakness of most high nobility. They can't understand the concept of counting coppers, especially Lannisters, seeing as they have more money than anyone else, but my past life as a struggling history teacher who had to deal with paying off his student loans on a government salary did a number on me, so I like to keep a healthy budget.

"Looks who's talking about not having to worry about money, Lannister." I reply in a flat tone, and she just smirks.

"Point taken, but money can be earned back. The love of the people is essential. What was it you said? The queen must be loved for the king to rule justly." She whispered in a low voice into my year so we were not overheard, not that we would be with all these bards playing and the loud talking of lords that filled the room, but better safe than sorry.

I gave her a gentle nod as we continued eating. After a while, it came time to start presenting gifts, and most people gave her dresses or books. My mother gave her expensive emerald earnings, Lord Redwyne different spices, and a couple of barrels of Arbour wine—a better gift, I'd say, than most.

Getting up, I made my way to the front of the table, motioning to Emilia to bring a box. I walked over to Adella and presented her with a gorgeous necklace with a golden lion engraved on it with emerald eyes and rubies scattered around it. She looked shocked, well, most people who could see it on the table did actually, because the neckless was made from valerian steel. I had been gathering small amounts of valerian steel and had gotten the best smiths I could to forge this gift.

Adella thanked me cordially. I could see the want to jump and hug me in her eyes, but social convention stopped her. Handing the present over to her, I made my way back to my seat.

"It's probably the best gift I have received. Thank you. Who knew you of all people had a romantic side?" she japed as her soft hand made its way under the table to firmly but gently hold mine. It was warm and soft like silk as her smooth skin contrasted with my calloused hand.

After a while, we got up and started to leave as the feast was over. I walked behind Adella and followed her to the balcony. It was then that she leapt at me and practically crushed me in her embrace.

I could hear the soft beats of her heart and feel her soft arms wrap around my frame as her face was buried in my chest. I held her for a little while until we let go of each other. She took a few steps back, the moonlight illuminating her, so I could get a good look.

Her raven locks flowed in the gentle summer breeze, her smooth ivory skin and inviting luscious red lips perfectly contrasted by her emerald green eyes that had a divine glow to them, her crimson and Gold dress hugged her frame, teasing the unparallel beauty she would grow into.

She handed me the neckless I gave her and turned around, presenting me with her neck. Taking the hint, I moved around her, placing the neckless upon her.

"I will never take it off. Thank you, Aemon, you romantic," she said softly in her honey-sweet voice.

"Don't go spreading that around; it could tarnish my image, Adella," I said, laughing as we looked up at the crescent moon in the empty night sky.

-The end -

How was it sorry had some personal shit going on so didn't upload like I was meaning to

Did you hate this romantic moment I felt like in the spirit of the approaching month of love we should get into the romantic spirit don't worry this was probably the only romantic chapter I will do for a while so next two chapters he will get his dragon

Until next time commit war crimes