The Cannibal

"The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors" - Milisandra.


Ser Willas Fell POV

Dark clouds swirled above Dragonstone as the rain hammered down on the island. Occasionally, blinding rays of light would illuminate the sky, followed shortly by a defining roar of thunder.

I was standing firm, guarding the chamber of Prince Aemon, my eyes and ears vigilant, always open to any possible inkling of danger that the prince could face.


The defining roars of thunder sounded in the sky as the storm continued to rage on. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a shadowy figure retreating behind the corner of the corridor just adjacent to the prince's chambers.

"Show yourself, whoever you are," I shouted out in a firm voice, quickly drawing my sword to face whoever was hiding near the royal quarters. No one but the royal family and the king's guard should be here. I quietly scurried along the corridor, my mouth dry, and my mind focused on the possibility of facing a would-be assassin or a sticky-fingered servant.

My footsteps echoed through the silent hall in a soft melody as I came closer and closer towards the corner where the figure had rushed off. I could feel the wind blow through the empty halls, brushing up against my cheeks and flowing through my hair. It was only then that I remembered that I had forgotten my helmet inside the prince's chamber. After having a few drinks with him, I had completely forgotten about it. Not dwelling on that thought, I turned the corner, my sword raised, ready to strike down anyone that could possibly attack me and nothing.

The corridor was empty; no one was there. I, however, kept firm and walked further through the dimly lit corridor, trying to spot any signs of an intruder.


All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head as everything went dark.

Adella pov

Clink clink

Ser Willis's sword fell to the ground as he fell out of consciousness. This was not the approach I would have preferred to take, but I know Aemon well enough to know that trying to seduce and draw Ser Willis away with pretty words and a damsel act would not be tolerated, so I had to use a much more blunt approach. I thought as I put down the chamber pot I had used to immobilise the king's guard, I quickly made my way over to Aemon's room and knocked on the door in three quick succession to let him know it was me.

The door creaked open as Aemon stepped out, wearing a black cloak and a smug look plastered all over his face.

"Such a beautiful lady visiting me so late at night, is this a dream?" he said in a voice filled with his usual snark.

"No, if it was one of your perverted dreams, I'd be naked and you'd be on the iron throne. No stop wasting time, help me carry Ser Willias into your room before someone spots his unconscious body," I replied with my usual dry tone.

He quickly ran down the corridor to where Ser Willas was and dragged him back to the room, throwing him onto his bed and laying his sword next to him.

"Thank you for your help, Adella. Now return to your chambers. I wouldn't want anyone to spot you here," he said with a serious tone.

I quickly made my way to him and hugged him from behind, my face firmly nuzzled into his neck. I could feel his warmth seeping into me. "Please be safe and run if it's too much. A faceless man may cost a lot, but losing you would be much more costly." He quickly turned to face me and returned the embrace. I could feel his strong arms hold me tightly.

"Adella, trust me, this isn't the end of my tail, merely a chapter in a long saga." He spoke with the confidence of a king as he quickly separated from me and made his way out of the room, setting on his path to find his dragon.

Emilia pov

I was calmly walking with my husband along the castle walls. We were done for the day with our duties, so we were going to go to our room in the servant's quarters, which were just below the royal family quarters. Most people wouldn't have been allowed to cross through the royal family quarters as a shortcut to get to the servant's rooms, but seeing as I had a status much higher than that of a normal servant, I could do so.

While walking, I noticed something strange: no one seemed to be guarding the door of the prince's room. That was odd, too odd, in accordance with Queen Alicent's wishes. Prince Aemon was to be supervised at all times.

I quickly opened the door to the Prince's room to find it empty. Baring the limp body of Ser Willas, I panicked about what was going on. Where was the prince? Where was the boy I helped raise?

"Sabastine, get the guards!" I screamed at my husband as he quickly ran out of the room to fetch a guard. I ran out of the room trying to search for him. I rushed around the corridors till I came upon a window that gave a good view of the outer yard and outside of the castle. There, I could spot a lone figure running away in this stormy night, in this stormy night, running to... the dragon mound. That's where the prince was going. I quickly calmed myself, trying to crush all the panic inside of me as I ran to follow the prince. My instincts were taking over. I needed to stop him for his own safety. I couldn't let the boy I raised die or put himself in peril. Why must he be so reckless?

Mush mush

My feet sank into the ground as I chased after him. The mud was slowing me down, like grasping hands pulling my feet deeper and deeper into it, but I persevered. I needed to save him from himself.

Aemon Pov

I was running as fast as I could, the cold wind blowing through my hair, the hood of my cloak had completely fallen off. I was drenched,

The howling of the wind was deafening. The waves crashed against the beach,and I kept running, gliding on the muddy path leaving my footprints etched into the ground.

All I needed to do was keep following my compass. I came upon it.The grey wisp of smoke was the beacon drawing me into it. It was truly a magnificent sight. The dragon mound was the place where my dragon stayed. I kept running faster and faster until I came upon the base of the dragon mound.

I grasped the rocks, pulling myself up and climbing as the rocks scraped my leg and cut my palms. I kept dragging myself up until I reached the entrance of a cave.

The dark entrance was inviting me in. "Fuck it, ride a dragon or die trying," I shouted to no one as I steeled myself and got rid of my sense of self-doubt. I don't know if dragons can smell fear, but I'm not about to marinade myself in it.

I walked into the abyss. I was practically blind in the cave. I used the walls as a guide. I kept going deeper and deeper into the cave as I began to sweat. It was getting warmer and warmer the deeper I went in. The smell of sulphur and molten rock burned my nostrils as I had to stop myself from vomiting.

I kept walking until I reached the wide opening of the hall as the moonlight shunned into the cave, illuminating the cave, and I saw two behemoths sleeping comfortably next to each other, a bronze dragon larger than any other I had seen before it coiled up right next to a large silver dragon, Silverwing and Virmithor.

I dragged my eyes from them and down to my compass, and I saw it pointing to a large hole that led deeper into the mound. As much as I'd love to try and claim one of these I can't mess around even a little if the compass points north. We go north.

I swallowed my spit and quietly followed my footsteps and started to even breathe quietly. I would not risk waking the dragons up, so as softly as I could, I made my way deeper into the mount. The heat was already getting to me, even with my Valeryian blood.

cay cay cay cay cay

My eyes widened as I heard an eerie laugh echo through the cave as if mocking me and simultaneously awaiting my arrival.

cay cay cay cay cay

What was this? Which dragon laughed such an evil and nerve-chilling laugh?

cay cay cay cay cay

I kept firm and tucked my compass away. I used the wall to guide me deeper into the darkness. I kept walking. I felt something hard crack under my foot, and then snap. I kept walking as numerous other objects got crushed beneath my feet. I wasn't a fool. I knew that I was crushing bones, but that didn't matter not now that they were dead, I was not, so I persevered onward.

Until I felt my heart stop when I saw whips of blackish-green flames illuminate the part of the cave just in front of me.


The ground shook. I shook as I heard a beast coming forward from the darkness. Two emerald-green reptile-like eyes were staring a hole through me. It was the dragon my compass had led me to.


-The end-

So tallying up all the votes from all the sites I upload on Mother-son beat mate in the relationship part so that's that mommy Vhagar it is then