Chapter Twenty Four.

What the actual hell? Ace has a lot of explaining to do. Just when I was about to go and confront him, then he comes to my room.

"Iris, Can you please get ready? We need to go somewhere very important. I would really appreciate if you dressed up in the dress that I bought you." he says, with a smile on his face.

Without question, I took the dress and put it on. It was a white ball dress that reached my knees and had my back exposed. it had laced sleeves and a beautiful flower design, with tiny diamonds on the neck. I had an inner voice telling me that I should question Ace's actions but my logic side tells me to slowly wait for things to unfold. I went downstairs and immediately he saw me, I saw the immediate love in his eyes.

"I think you grow more beautiful everyday." he says.

"Oh please, you charm too much." I reply smiling at him. Argh! It's frustrating how I can't stay angry at him.

He takes me to his car outside. As I get on the car, I feel my heart race as the photo crossed my mind.

STEFANO ACCARDI. Owner of Accardi technologies.

It was the man who Ace was talking to at the hospital. But why does he bear his last name? I had a lot of questions. Why did Elizabeth tell me that Ace didn't want his family to find out about our marriage? And does that mean that the man I treated the other day was Raul? Who was this Raul because he had a serious impact on Ace?

As soon as we alighted, I am met with a huge building labeled,


Why was I here? Ace took my hand and led me into the building. I had a nagging feeling about it. The only reason that I could think of, is to make our marriage official. But we got married already. I decided to play foolish, and wait for Raul to tell me everything.

Once we reach the office, we were met by a really pretty lady.

"Mr, Accardi, how can I help you?" she asks looking at him flirtatiously. I feel jealousy rush through me and my instincts scream for me to slap her. But I hold myself and decide to just fake a smile.

"Well, this is my wife, but I want us to get the paperwork." he says.

"In short, your here to get married?" she asks.

"Yes. Again." he corrects her.

"As you wish Wallace." she says, "Where are your two witnesses?"

Raul snaps and two of his bodyguards walk in. The attorney hand us papers and Raul signs one and hand me the rest. I skim through all of them and sign, but one paper specifically, I sign but I intentionally write the wrong date.

The attorney looked at the documents, then at me and she got the signal. Wallace smiles at me. And from his eyes I could tell that he had finally one burden off his shoulder. As we headed home after the signing of the papers, he took my hand and started to draw circles in it.

"Why did we have to sign a second set of papers if we had signed the first set already?" I ask him, caressing his head.

"Well, we had gotten married without the formalities at first, so I wanted to make everything legal." he says.

You know? Maybe he is right and I'm just assuming that he wronged me but he didn't. Maybe I am I overthinking.But what I saw at the attorney's office just burned my suspicions more. As soon as we get home, we are welcomed by a fleet of black cars parked at our compound. Ace's face goes completely pale and I could tell something was wrong.

"Stay in the car." he says and I nod. He clears his throat then goes towards a man with a black velvet suit. I looked closely, but I couldn't make out his face. So I decided to snoop into their conversation.

"Hey dad. How are you?" he asks the man.

"Wonderful. So did you manage to take what rightfully belongs to you?" he asks in a similar Scottish accent.

"Yes dad. Any news about Stefano and Raul?" Ace asks and my ears become more attentive.

"Raul is getting worse. Seems like all the doctors in the hospital are incompetent indeed. I have to say, it was clever of you to recommend that hospital for them." the man says.

All of a sudden I feel my heart sink. The mere mention of Raul's name makes me want to know him. I look ot Ace's face and he doesn't share the same joy as his father. But if that was his father, it means that Stefano is not his father and Raul is not his brother. But why did he carry their surname? Maybe they were namesakes or maybe distant family.

"But, my intention was not to kill Raul. It is bad already that his mental health is at jeopardy because of me. He can't think straight now. That is enough. There is no need to kill him." Ace says to his dad, lost in thought.

In that case, they have a special connection. As much as I know Ace, he wouldn't hesitate to kill his enemy when he got the chance, let alone try to protect him.

"Oh. I see what is happening. He is not your blood Wallace. Have you forgotten how they killed your mother? Have you forgotten how they took everything from us?" The man said with a lot of vigor I could feel his anger from where I was. That was why he betrayed them. Well, he had good reason. Wallace just remains quiet and his dad taps his shoulder.

"Do what is right." his dad says. Just as he was about to leave, the door unlocks and I fall on my face right in front of his dad. He just lifts me up.

"Well hallo, sweetheart." Ace's dad tells me as he kisses my right hand and helps me clean up. That was when I looked at him and his face literally flashes in front of my mind.

"Well, I am Wallace's dad. My name is..." he starts.

"Drew." I say as the name just blurts out if my mind."Sorry papi, have I seen you anywhere?" I ask.

"No, sweetheart. Well, maybe on the road, in the streets. But I have to go. Say what, I will come back tomorrow okay?" he asks.

"Sure, my pleasure to meet you." I say.

He kisses my hand again and leaves. Ace then rushes to me.

"How did you know his name?" he asks me.

"I don't know for sure. I just blurted it out." I say.

"Well, that's my dad, Drew Accardi." he says.

"Is there anything that you are not telling me Ace?" I ask with a question in mind.

"Well Stefano is my uncle and Raul is my cousin. That's all." he says.

Well he sucks at lying. I just can't believe him.