Chapter 4 - Small Fight

"Who?!" The man roared and turned his head. He glared at Liu Xin, who was holding the whip.

"Who are you? Why are you poking your nose into our business?" he asked with a frown.

"He is my customer... future customer. If you injure him severely or kill him, that will be a huge loss for me," Liu Xin said calmly.

"Hah!" The man's frown deepened. "I don't care about your reason. Just leave it, or I will deal with you too."

"Oh really?" Liu Xin smiled. The man wasn't a cultivator, so Liu Xin wasn't scared of him. Seeing the nonchalant expression of Liu Xin, the man's anger rose.

He clapped his hand, and two burly men appeared before him, emitting a cultivator aura.

"Two mid-Qi Refining Cultivators," Liu Xin frowned. He didn't have real combat experience against humans.

He stepped back, but before Liu Xin could do anything, the man shouted, "Beat him and make him kneel before me."

The two men nodded and launched their attack on Liu Xin.

Liu Xin dodged their attack swiftly, activating his speed techniques. He used the 'Shadow Shroud Technique' and disappeared from there.

The two men were stunned as their punches hit the air. But before they could react, Liu Xin emerged from their shadow and used 'Dragonfire Breath' and 'Shadow Fire Ignition.'

Two fires hit the two cultivators. While it didn't cause a lot of damage, it burnt their whole cloth, which revealed all their body parts.

The audience was shocked, and the girls who were watching the scene just fled, covering their eyes with their hands.

"You dare to embarrass us!"

"We will deal with you later!"

Both cultivators also ran away in shame, covering their private parts. Liu Xin chuckled. Then he saw two swords drop on the ground.

His eyes lit up, and he immediately picked them up. "Great!" he smiled brightly. "Now, I can use all of my attack techniques!"

Liu Xin was confident in his technique as he had a profound grasp of each of the techniques, which allowed him to use them as he wished.

His wide array of techniques made him more special than other cultivators. It was rare, if not impossible, for cultivators around his level to even have more than two techniques as they couldn't use a technique without grasping it. Because of this, Liu Xin could beat even those above his level with some difficulties. His collection of techniques was the only thing special about him, as his body and soul weren't special enough to help him defeat those above his cultivation.

Not to mention, he hadn't defeated those cultivators, only forced them to flee out of embarrassment.

On the other hand, the man who saw his lackey cultivators flee stomped his feet on the ground. He wanted to curse loudly, but he didn't.

Liu Xin appeared before him, which startled him. "Your allies fled. What will you do now?" Xin's smile only deepened. He didn't like those people who relied on their subordinates to dominate others.

He had some bad memories of bullying, to be honest, bad memories of beating his bullies and making them kneel.

Due to this, he had been attacked many times. So, he was used to making his opponent angry, flustered, and even scared enough to pee their pants.

"Hey hey, let's sort this out. Why not-" Before the man could speak further, a punch landed on his stomach, throwing him 5 meters away.


He vomited blood and fell unconscious. Liu Xin shook his head in disappointment. "If you can't beat the enemy, either recruit them or stall for time. This old trick is really getting cliché." He sighed.

He then looked at the two victims who saw the scene shocked. Jun Huang was more shocked to find Liu Xin.

"F-Friend?" Huang Jun called, shuddering. "Thank you…" He was truly grateful. He didn't expect Lin Xiu to save him just because he ordered a pill from him.

"Don't worry." Liu Xin smiled. "You are my future customer. I have to protect you, so we can seal our deal. Otherwise, won't I incur losses?" He explained.

"Anyway, here." He tossed two pills to them.

"This?" Huang Jun looked at the warm pill confused.

But the girl beside him showed a great reaction. "This is too expensive!" She exclaimed. "This is a high-quality healing pill."

Her reaction amused Liu Xin. He didn't know this low-grade, high-quality pill could get this much of a reaction. 'Are these pills really that expensive? I just made them from low-grade herbs.' He pondered.

"Sis, is this pill really that great?" Jun Huang asked.

"Of course, even if his pill is low grade, its quality is high. It can even challenge low-quality medium-grade pills. Even a 3rd Star Alchemist couldn't produce high-quality pills daily. Not to mention, 2nd Star Alchemists could hardly refine high-quality pills. So this work must be from a high-star Alchemist."

"What?!" Huang Jun was also shocked.

"Don't worry too much. This is my first pill, so take this as an experiment. I want to see the effect of this pill," he said, not lying as he truly wished to see the effect of this pill.

"What?!" This time, both Jun Huang and the girl shouted. "Y-You refined this pill?" She couldn't believe it.

How could a young man who is just at a low Qi Refining Stage refine this high-quality pill?

The girl gulped. She didn't want to waste the opportunity to eat a high-quality pill. If she refused now, she might not have another chance to eat it in the future.

So she ate it hurriedly. As she ate, green light emitted from her body. Her injuries, bruises, and scars disappeared, leaving her with white skin.

Seeing the effect of the pill surprised Huang Jun. He also tried to eat the pill, but as he was about to put the pill in his mouth, the girl smacked his head.

"You can't eat this pill. This pill contains a high concentration of energy, which can blow up your organs and kill you."

"..." Huang Jun instantly shuddered and looked at the pill as if it were a lethal weapon. Liu Xin also remembered that if a mortal ate a spiritual pill, they couldn't circulate the energy produced by it, causing their body to swell up and eventually explode into pieces.

"Now, tell me about the situation."