Chapter 18 - Training

Leng Fei with a cold face took out her bow as she faced Liu Xin. Her delicate and pure white hand pulled the string. She hadn't taken any arrow but her position was similar to how she shot her arrows.

Liu Xin also took a deep breath. The yellowish energy-taking appearance of an arrow appeared in Leng Fei's hand. As the string was pulled to the maximum, she released it.

The energy arrow bolted toward Liu Xin. Taking this as the start of battle and training, Liu Xin moved. He easily dodged the arrow and pushed toward Leng Fei.

Leng Fei's expression didn't change. However, her hands moved at lightning speed.

One, two...Tens of arrows flew toward Liu Xin trying to stab him. Liu Xin circulated his barrier technique.

A barrier shrouded him, and the arrow only strike the barrier cracking it severely. Liu Xin utilized his movement technique, his speed exploded and he appeared before Leng Fei in the blink of an eye.

Leng Fei raised her eyebrows but wasn't shocked at all. She just blinked and teleported ten meters away while Liu Xin's palm struck the air.

Liu Xin's eyes widened but instantly calmed down. 'I want that technique.' He thought, and yearned for the teleportation technique.

He moved his head sideway and dodged the arrow which passed by his cheeks. He was calm, and he again rushed at her.

As an archer, Leng Fei didn't let Liu Xin close up the distance. Her legs glow as her speed increases. She moved backward while facing Liu Xin.

She took out a metal arrow and imbued some qi in it. The arrow glow. As she shot the arrow, the arrow replicated into countless, zooming at Liu Xin.

Liu Xin's eyes widened as he felt the power of the arrows. He instantly circulated the shadow shroud technique. His body dissolved into shadow and the arrow didn't hit him.

Liu Xin appeared behind Leng Fei. However before he could hit her again, he was hit in the stomach by her bow. Despite her cultivation being at Qi Refining Realm, she had good control of her power.

Liu Xin was pushed five steps back. A slight pain surged in his stomach, however, it didn't give him much damage.

This was just a friendly match. If they both were to battle seriously, Liu Xin would have the upper hand due to his many techniques and high cultivation.

But it wouldn't be easy as Leng Fei was more experienced and more talented than him.

She didn't stop and shot tens of arrows at him for some seconds not giving Liu Xin even a chance to breathe.

Liu Xin blocked the arrow with his axe.

"You are not experienced in battle. All your moves are predictable. Your raw power and techniques are good, but you don't even predict the moves of your enemy. You didn't even consider my technique and just blindly marched at me. You don't know my limit and strength but think you can win by just getting close. If you have this kind of mentality, you can easily be killed by a mid-qi refining level cultivator." Leng Fei said that in a breath, her eyes cold and filled with disappointment.

Hearing that Liu Xin raised his brows and pondered for a while.

Leng Fei could easily guess his movement. Even if she didn't know what he used, she knew how to avoid him and where to strike.

His technique is the sole reason he wasn't defeated. Not to mention, she was more on defense than offense. He can't guess how can he defend against her offense.

"Thank you, sister Fei. Let me try again." Liu Xin took his stance.

Leng Fei nodded and again took her battle stance. Liu Xin instantly used his movement technique and utilized Celestial Wind Dance.

His speed increased and his hands rotated. Wind flowed around his body and the arrow that came at him were diverted by the huge wind force.

He reached Leng Fei, knowing that she would move again, he didn't avoid instead he moved at more speed.

However, the next action baffled him as Leng Fei didn't move at all. A rare smile appeared on her face as she took out a knife.

Liu Xin also utilized his palm technique, however, Leng Fei used her teleportation technique and appeared behind him.

Before Liu Xin could react, the knife glowing in red qi pierced his skin and entered his body.

Before the knife could hit the bone, Leng Fei stopped and strike him with her palm sending Liu Xin ten steps away.

As blood gushed out of his body and his face was filled with shock, he ate the healing pill and recovered.

"Sister really strong." Leng Fei's speed, agility, decisive move, and prediction, of Liu Xin, completely stunned him.

He tried guessing her next move, but he didn't think about what she would do next. He was too nearsighted.

If they were to battle head-on, then Liu Xin may win. But Leng Fei didn't battle him close but avoided him. He may win if he let her exhaust her qi but she could finish him before getting to that point.

Liu Xin had never touched a weapon before, and he hadn't learned anything. He had techniques but they required his brain to utilize them correctly.

For experienced fighters, his way of fighting was like moving his sword. He had no thoughts. He was too predictable. He was a complete noob.

"Don't worry, I will teach you about strategy and ways to battle proficiently. You are just a rookie now. However, if you think you can just defeat me in close combat, just with your high cultivation, then you are wrong. You can try." Leng Fei was calm.

"Let me then!" Liu Xin moved toward Leng Fei. Just reaching her, he circulated his Fiery Palm Technique. Leng Fei's reaction was too quick.

Before Liu Xin could reach her, she jumped and placed her hand on Liu Xin's head. Liu Xin also reacted very quickly and tried to attack her.

Leng Fei's hand was on Liu Xin's head, her body erected, and her weight was all on her hand. She instantly did push her body front and her legs hit Liu Xin's back.

She landed perfectly while Liu Xin was pushed ahead. He balanced himself and didn't fall on the ground.

Leng Fei circulated her technique and black-flipped. Appearing in front of Liu Xin, she hit his legs and kicked his mouth.

Her speed exceed Liu Xin's expectations and before he could even block, he was hit.

Liu Xin's speed was fast, but his hand movement and leg movement wasn't as agile and fast as hers.

However, his defense was tough and the hits didn't give him any damage.

"See, you need to train hard. Just moving your blade, learning technique, and cultivating won't help you in a decisive battle. You can easily defeat me in combat, but if I use tricks and my advantages, you can easily be defeated.

Unless your cultivation is way higher than mine, just the foundation can't help you. So, you need to refine every aspect of yours."

Leng Fei's words resonated with him and he nodded. He can easily be defeated by those who can utilize their advantages properly and focus on the disadvantages of their opponents.

Not to mention, unless his strength crushes the enemy in every way, he can easily be killed by some methods. If he was careless, even an enemy below his realm can kill him.

"Then, I want to trouble my sister." He took out another bottle of Top-Quality Healing Pills.

Taking that pill, Leng Fei smiled slightly. "Then I will take care of you, junior brother."