Chapter 22 - Challenge


Every disciple was hyped up. There was a desk where a man sat in a chair and put a wooden stick to separate the table into two parts.

"Now, let's bet for the first battle. Who will win?"

The first battle was between numbers 1 and 10.

Number 1 was Jian Hun, a legend in the outer sect, said to be the strongest in the outer sect.

Number 10 was Shi Xen, second strong after Jian Hun. The most hyped battle in outer sect competition.

"I bet for Jian Hun. He will remain strongest."

"Shi Xen, 100 low-grade spiritual stones!"

"My love is with Jian Hun, 10 low-grade spiritual stones."

"Shi Xen! Shi Xen!"

As the audience bet and cheered, two men appeared in the arena.

One was tall and had a handsome face, but his body was thin. He was Jian Hun.

The next one was muscular and had a slightly tough face making him look scary. He was Shi Xen.

They both bowed.


As the words leaked, two people instantly rushed taking out their blades.

Clang! Clang!

The sound of the blade colliding echoed.

"Dragon Strike!" Jian Hun took a deep breath as his blade glowed. A dragon pattern appeared in his sword as red qi emitted densely.

"Thunder Sheild!" Shi Xen rotated his palm and a purple barrier appeared before him.

As Jian Hun strike at the barrier, lighting emitted and shocked Jian Hun, but it didn't deal any damage to him.

On the other hand, as the blade hit the barrier, it shattered instantly and the remaining force pushed Shi Xen back.

Both of them were on equal footing, no one weaker than the other.

"Who do you think will win here?" Jing Tao asked.

"Obviously Jian Hun." Wang Jing said without even batting an eye at the arena. For her, it was too boring.

"Same, Jian Hun will win." Leng Fei supported this. "His strength is obviously greater than Shi Xen."

"Jian Hun hasn't even shown his real power. On the other hand, Shi Xen already looks pale. He is going to go out all." Zhang Hao said sighing.

"Oh!!" Xiao Wei exclaimed not understanding their meaning.

She sat on Liu Xin's lap and hummed cheerfully as Liu Xin fed her the cherry that was on the table.

Liu Xin was quiet as he didn't know much about the battle, he only knew Shi Xen was using too much qi while Jian Hun was attacking from different directions tweaking him.

In arena-

"Let's finish this." Jian Hun said.

"Hah?!" Shi Xen panted softly and looked at Jian Hun. His every strike broke every of his barrier, exhausting his qi faster.

"Qi burst..." As he said, qi emitted out of his body.


A small sound of the explosion reverberated as Jian Hun moved.

His speed was countless times faster than previous.

"!!" Shi Xen's eyes widen as he tried to block the upcoming attack. But his reaction was too slow, the blade finished him in one strike.

"Gah!" He was thrown out of the arena and hit the stone slab with great force.

Vomiting a mouthful of blood, Shi Xen lost consciousness.

"The winner is Jian Hun!" As the announcer shouted, cheers spread.

"I made a fortune today!"

"Damn, I lost all my money."

"I must party today!"

"Sob~ Let me cry a little more. All my fortune is gone."

"Damn! Shi Xen."

Someone was happy while someone was sad. Some made fortunes while some touched the poverty.

Other battles weren't interesting.

It was too boring as one won and the other lost. Some battles were a minute long while some lasted for an hour.

The total number of disciples in the outer sect was only a thousand.

So half a day later, the outer sect competition came to an end.

The winner was obviously Jian Hun, and Shi Xen winning other rounds came second.

The inner sect battle-

A day later... The competition was over.

The winner of inner sect disciples had the right to challenge core disciples for battle.

"I want to challenge Leng Fei. Please enlighten me." Li Jia, a handsome male with a cool temperate with his cultivation realm reaching the late stage of the foundation realm stood on the stage.

Leng Fei slowly descended, and her blue skirt fluttered as she landed softly.

Her gaze was cold, and her dagger unsheathed was ready for some blood.

"Please." Leng Fei gave Li Jia the opportunity.

Li Jia rushed toward her with immense speed.

Leng Fei had some opportunity and broke through to the Foundation realm. And with her top foundation, she wasn't afraid of Li Jia.

As Li Jia strikes his scythe, Leng Fei is blocked with her dagger. Two weapons collided which produced great force which can blow any mortal away.

Li Jia jumped back.

"Sky-enhancing Blade strike" His blade became light as a feather and floated.

Li Jia grabbed it again and his speed increased. Before anyone could notice, his blade has already swung.

Leng Fei teleported back and immediately took out her bow and shot the arrow. Li Jia noticed it and dodged it, but a kick landed on his face.

Leng Fei's speed has also increased as she used "Light Footed". Before her kick landed, she had already circulated the "Heavy Foot Kick" technique.

Her kick was so strong, Li Jia fell two meters far, his lips dripping blood. He stood, his eyes were filled with respect.

He circulated another technique. Like Qi bust, his every stat increased and used another technique 'target weapon thrower' he threw the scythe.

The scythe with his enhanced strength moved faster, and he rushed toward Leng Fei along with the scythe.

"Heavenly Suppressing Arrow." As she said and shot the arrow, the arrow grew in size. Pure white energy emitted out of the arrow. The arrow floated and dense energy spread.

At this moment, great pressure fell on the arena.

"Huh!" Li Jia was stunned as the pressure fell on him. Before he could balance his body, he fell and rolled on the ground.

The scythe barely not falling under the pressure reached Leng Fei, but its speed decreased greatly.

Leng Fei stretched her hand and grabbed the scythe and returned back to Li Jia.

The scythe hit his head and he lost.


The whole audience fell silent before exploding in chaos.


"That was awesome."

"Sister Leng is too powerful!"

"She is my goddess!"


A small note-

Until the 30th or around the 40th chapter, the first volume will end.

After that, there will be a huge change. I will try to world building more. My grammar, errors, and typos will be decreased.

Also, after volume 1, there will be more characters, and I will try to make the characters more distinct.

Also, the previous characters like the sect master will be gone for some time.

Final thing: The system will have more functions!