System's control over technique and energy is the best in this world.

Longwei Jinyu was taken by a maid to another room with full respect. 

Her appearance was cute, as she wore a long-sleeved outfit with tight pink trousers, her long blue hair tied in a ponytail, and her pretty face enough to label her as an angel.

Her face was calm, and when she smiled, it was too cute not to notice. Not to mention, she was only 28 years old, making her like a child to many disciples.

An average qi refining practitioner can live for 200 years, foundation-building practitioners for 600-800 years, core formation practitioners for 1,000 years, and golden core practitioners for 10,000 years. 

After reaching the Nascent Soul stage, one's soul does not die and can be reborn unless someone destroys it.

After the ascension, dying is virtually impossible, unless someone very powerful not only kills but also erases everything, including every single cell. Due to this, there are many cultivators in this world.