Returning to Sect...

In the mansion...

Zhu Tao and his team sat on the bed, their expressions filled with worry.

"We've lost both Liu Xin and Roach Knight..." Zhu Tao said, letting out a heavy sigh.

"How can we return to the sect now? We need to provide an explanation for the disappearance of Liu Xin and Roach Knight..." Beside him, the quiet man Si Shen said.

"I should have forced him to dual cultivate with me. That way, I could have marked him and exerted control..." Liao Meihui murmured. "He was so handsome, strong, and rich... If only I could have charmed him with my enchanting spell..." She whispered, sighing in disappointment.

"Should we return to the sect?" Deng Feng asked.

"We can... but we will likely be taken into custody for some time..." It's not as if the sect won't search for Liu Xin, but they would treat us as prisoners until Liu Xin or his corpse is found.