Chapter 5 Darkness part 5

Darkness shivered once more, insides clenching as she watched the bobbing shaft. "S-so this is your vile weapon…" the excited virgin said, thinking it the most dangerous think she'd ever seen. "Do your worst then you evil scum-mmph?!" Kazuma cut her off with a new slap on the ass, leaving a bright red handprint on one of her round cheeks that made her tense up blissfully as a fresh constellation of stars erupted in her eyes.

Kazuma clapped both hands against her butt right after, squishing into the soft meat and making sure to squeeze the one he'd slapped a bit harder. "It really is a shame you're so gross, your body really isn't that bad," he told her before taking hold of his cock. "I'm sure lots of guys would have loved to do this if you weren't such a freak," he went on making her shudder and whine as he began to tease her entrance, dragging his tip up and down her dewy lips.

"S-So what does that make you?" She stammered out defiantly even as she gripped the top of the couch tight enough she expected the fabric to rip, unable to keep herself from twitching against the feel of him prodding her virgin hole.

Kazuma thought about it for a bit as he pressed against her, tearing a fresh whimper from her mouth as he poked his tip inside before reclaiming her bruised ass-cheek with a rough grip. "A guy that stopped caring I guess," he replied before sheathing himself without another word.

Darkness locked up as her world when white at the sudden penetration, her inner walls squeezing tightly around Kazuma's length and rippling as she violently came around him upon having her bloodless virginity claimed. Kazuma meanwhile just grit his teeth and grunted, digging his nails into Darkness' cheeks as he struggled not to cum the moment her wet hot tunnel enveloped his length and began constricting with another wildly unexpected orgasm. He couldn't keep himself from bucking against her a few times however, unable to ignore how good it felt each time she squished around him with a shuddering gasp until her spasms finally began to taper off.

Kazuma took a deep steadying breath before rearing back, hissing as Darkness let out a hoarse moan, her cunt sucking at his shaft the whole way as if it desperately wanted to trap him back inside before he clapped back against her ass with a testing thrust. Darkness responded with a muffled squeak, biting her lip as her eyes rolled up for a moment, her sensitive tunnel tingling all over as Kazuma's shaft returned to its new sheath. The two fell into a simple rhythm afterwards as Kazuma began rocking his hips more actively, drawing out fresh whimpers and soft gasps as he slowly thrust in and out of Darkness' clingy cunt.

"Kazuma~" the crusader groaned, fingers clenching around the couch each time he thrust into her.

"That's me," he replied, eyes shut as he tried to focus on enjoying the fact that he was fucking a bombshell of a woman and not what a freak that woman was, his pace picking up a bit as he became more accustomed to the new sensations.

"Vile pig…" she whimpered. "Stealing my purity, making me-EEP!" she yelped and clamped down tight when he suddenly gave another rough slap to her unbruised cheek.