Chapter 1 Megumin part 1

Kazuma let out a content sigh as he looked down on the blonde head bobbing between his knees, his fingers lightly slipping through her hair petting Darkness' head as she dutifully sucked his cock while staring up lovingly from the foot of the couch. Life had been going smoothly over the past month, so smoothly that he almost dared to think he could call it good. Darkness had learned to shut up in public and focus on being a good and proper meat-shield, Aqua and Megumin couldn't look him in the eye without blushing and did their best to avoid having to face him which made them much easier to deal with, and he got to get his dick wet whenever he felt like whenever they returned home from missions.

Darkness meanwhile had truly become a dutiful wife addicted to servicing her loveless "husband" however she could and wherever she could in the manor, much to Aqua and Megumin's growing horror. Kazuma had honestly lost track of the number of times the girls had stumbled upon him going to town on the Crusader all over the building: in the halls up against a wall, against a table or desk, on the floor of a random room, he got to do her anywhere at any time he felt like or whenever she begged for it. Darkness' libido had grown to such a degree that she didn't even bother to wear clothes in the manor anymore so she could more easily ready herself for sex which only added to the discomfort of the other girls.

Not that Kazuma cared that is, he was more than happy to enjoy emptying his balls like he was now, grunting with a grin as he bucked against Darkness' moaning face while her eyes rolled up in ecstasy. "You've gotten really good at this," he mumbled earning a deeper moan as she happily swallowed his load.

He watched then as she slowly released his shaft, sucking along the way until only his tip remained for popping it out as well and swallowing the rest of the cum she'd collected. "Do you want more?" she asked eagerly before kissing his tip. "O-or would you like to rape me again?" she asked excitedly, her eyes sparkling as he rolled his. "Pin me down in front of the others, v-violate me-" she cut herself off, biting her lip to silence the rest of her monologue before it continued, though it didn't stop her from whining needily.

Still the fact that she'd stopped herself was enough to satisfy Kazuma. "Good girl, you shut up before you got annoying," he rudely praised her while petting her like a dog. "But you still started in the first place," he added making her shiver. "No sex for an hour," he suddenly said making her tense and pale.

Darkness' wide eyes snapped between his face and his cock a couple times. "B-but Kazuma-"

"Two hours," he said cutting her off. "Do I need to make it three you horny slut?" he asked poking against her forehead.

Needy tears pricked Darkness' as she trembled in place, her pussy aching for the feel of him carelessly using her. "No sir…" she pouted and stood up, her knees red and sore from kneeling for so long.

"Good girl, now go get me some water, I'm thirsty," he ordered with an absent wave of his hand.