Chapter 5 Megumin part 5

Megumin let out a choked gasp as she felt Kazuma's tongue poke out to lap its way up her slit, her hips twitching uncontrollably as he followed up with firmer licks until he finally pushed his way inside and made her whimper. She actually tasted pretty good, much better than Darkness did at least, carrying a much more natural sweetness compared to the fruitier taste he'd come to expect from the crusader after she did as he'd told her in their first session. As he enjoyed himself though Megumin was left to struggle against the sudden sensation of him lightly scraping against her folds, her lips pressing firmly together in a weak attempt to muffle her whimpers as she was forced to accept that Kazuma wasn't doing bad.

And he made it obvious that he knew it as he gave her a parting lick before lowering her back down to the bed. "Pretty sure that wasn't sweat," he said with a chuckle as Megumin glared and tried to look anywhere else. "You do taste sweet though," he went on making her squirm. "And at least you didn't almost suffocate me like someone did the first time I tried that," he added pointedly with a glance towards Darkness who shrank timidly even with a hand between her legs.

"Not for a lack of trying," the mage grumbled wishing she could kick the cocky adventurer if only to knock the smirk off his face.

"Well maybe if you stopped putting everything into a single shot all the time you might be able to next time, huh?" Kazuma asked before making her shiver as he brushed a pair of fingers across her damp entrance and coated themselves with her wetness.

"Never!" Megumin snapped before sucking in a quick breath as Kazuma gave her slit a gentle prod.

"Easier for me to mess with you then," Kazuma shrugged as he pressed his way in slowly, noting immediately how tightly she was squeezing his finger as the rest of her body twitched. "You're a lot tighter than Darkness is," he said out loud making the girls blush. "Though considering what a slut she is that isn't that surprising," the crusader let out a needy whine but managed to keep her mouth shut as she reveled in the verbal abuse.

"Don't tell me that…" Megumin mumbled, face burning up as she felt Kazuma lightly curling and prodding her insides with his finger.

Kazuma didn't care to listen though. "You're definitely a lot more normal than her too, if this was Darkness she'd be losing her mind and soaking the bed by now," he went on as he watched Megumin's twitching hips closely. "It's nice having to work for it."

"S-shut up~" the mage whimpered. "I said not to tell-ngh!" she gasped as her back suddenly arched when Kazuma's finger pressed something that made her world flash for a moment.

"Ah, there it is," he said happily as he began gently caressing Megumin's spot. "Still think I don't know what I'm doing?" he asked before leaning in and giving her clit a light lick.

Megumin tensed up as a new star exploded in her vision, clenching around Kazuma's finger tightly the moment he licked her with a shuddering moan that tapered off into a trembling string of whimpers as he kept going, gently massaging her insides while teasing her with occasional kisses and licks. She hated it, hated that she was feeling good from this because it would mean Kazuma would gloat more when he was done, but at the same time she didn't want it to stop. Kazuma on the other hand was enjoying himself quite thoroughly as he drove Megumin closer towards the edge with each new lick and rub, finding it much more fun to build up towards a climax instead of getting them without effort like with Darkness.

But at the same time… "So," Kazuma suddenly spoke up while pausing his finger. "I asked a question and still haven't got an answer," he pointed out, sitting up and staring down at her panting and shaking with a smug grin on his face.

Megumin glared weakly and took a shuddering breath. "You're not getting one!" She snapped before gasping as he suddenly tugged his finger out.

"Hmm, that's too bad then," Kazuma replied with a shrug. "Darkness get up here."