Chapter 11 Aqua Part 4

Aqua shivered in place and took a calming breath. "I-I've been… bottling it," she began, peaking at him and flinching upon seeing his genuinely flabbergasted face. "E-Everything that comes out of me is purified into holy water, basically really-really strong holy water!" she frantically explained before he had a chance to misunderstand. "So I… I-I brought some bottles to Wiz while I was super drunk one time and she said I could get a bit of the money she made if they sold," she went on, feeling the slightest bit of remorse over never telling the Lich about how she'd been making it. "A-and they sold really well surprisingly so I made a bunch of money," she glanced at him with a hopeful crooked smile. "S-so I could make a lot more money and all of us could be rich if I-" she fidgeted again looking highly embarrassed. "If I made more product…"

Kazuma just kept staring at her as he tried to process what he'd just heard. "Aqua," he began, reaching up to rub his temples to recover from the whiplash of the knowledge. "You're suggesting that we make ourselves rich by making you cum holy water into bottles to sell with Wiz…" Kazuma took a deep breath as Aqua blushed and nodded. "Why not just skip the sex, go to a lake and bottle up a ton of purified holy water there?" he asked curiously making a frown appear on Aqua's face.

Aqua pouted feeling a bit depressed as she was reminded of a past attempt. "I tried that," she mumbled making him put his hands down to look at her clearly. "It takes a lot longer to purify it that way, a-and it's never as strong for some reason," she explained before grimacing a bit. "Maybe because the water is in me longer before I-"

"Stop," Kazuma cut her off before dragging a hand down his face as he came to terms with this info. "So… you want to make things up to me by having me fuck you, then bottle up what you squirt out and sell it, is that right?"

"I-It solves a bunch of our problems," Aqua offered with another quivering smile. "I get to join everyone, we make a bunch of money, you get to have wild unprotected sex with Megumin, and me…" she trailed off before taking hold of her pajama top and pulling it up over her head. "S-So what do you say?" she asked bashfully as she dropped it to the floor and let Kazuma take in the sight of her nude body.

Kazuma took another long breath as he glanced her over. "Fine," he sighed shaking his head, barely believing he was agreeing to such a plan. "Get over here then."

Aqua faltered a bit. "You want to do it here?" she asked incredulously.

"Why not?" Kazuma asked, waving his hand over to where Darkness and Megumin had been. "I literally just got done cumming all over Darkness' food by fucking Megumin's thighs," he pointed out.

Aqua pouted a bit. "I was hoping for something a bit more… romantic," she said hopefully.

"That's too bad," Kazuma replied carelessly. "Either we do it here or we don't do it at all today."

Aqua stiffened before quickly walking over to him. "H-Here is fine!" she stammered quickly before shifting in place as she stood before him. "You'll have to lead me a bit…" she began timidly before climbing onto his lap and straddling him, pinning his cock down beneath her pussy with a shiver as she gripped his shoulders. "B-But can we at least start with a kiss?" she asked in another hopeful attempt as the adventurer slid his hands over her ass.

Kazuma rolled his eyes. "You're really vanilla you know that?" he asked with a shake of his head.

Aqua squeezed him a bit harder. "I'm gonna be paying for your kids, aren't I?" she asked back with a huff. "The least you can do is let me enjoy myself…" she said before leaning in and pressing her lips to his.